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  • Rahman Hanif


How do you define miracle?

Does miracle even exist?

I’ve been thinking about this for quite long. But still, I feel like I can’t be sure enough that I can put it the way I think about it.

I mean, I’m a believer. Ever since I attended my first School, I am always told about what God is capable to do with my life; and it includes miracles. Well, I do believe that He will do whatever He pleases since I am fully His. It’s just, I don’t believe that God is like a tooth fairy who will grant me a new bike if I put my tooth under my pillow. There’s nothing easy when it gets on God. He’s the most intricate persona that I’ve ever know. Well, intricate but with a good (sometimes weird) sense of humor.

Everyone (well, it’s just a few ones that I know; not that everyone) tends to see miracles as magic; something that happens based on no ground, due for no reason, and means nothing but to clean up the messes that you made. May be, it’s more like a short-cut when you finds yourself desperate for a new break, or a lousy way to rephrase your fear of not believing yourself anymore.

Let’s face it! We made mistakes sometimes. And no one (and I mean everyone) can escape this curse unless he is God. We lost our confidence sometimes too. We deal with this common fear because, basically, under our skins, we’re just the same. We failed, and we start over, but failed again, and start over again, still failed, still persistently to start over, failed again, and start over again, and again, and again, and all over again until we complete our purpose of life. History teaches us that perfection has never been the part of reasons of our creation. But we pushed out anyway. We pushed our luck too hard, stretched our limits too wide, and we wonder why on earth we end up on our miserable midnight bed, crying, for feeling like we’ll never gonna be good enough; even to ourselves.

Okay, may be you never ended up on your bed miserably, but I did that ugly crying last night. I felt so small that I couldn’t avoid my other self to accuse my self for not trying hard enough on everything. Have you ever lost your confidence? How did it feel? Terrible, isn’t it?

God moves in a mysterious way. I was told about it too. And yes, I would say AMIN to that. But, does it mean that we can expect Him to serve our need through His mysterious way too? I’m not trying to be a cynic here, but we have to confess that we often put ourselves as God and He is as our servant which obliged to serve our wishes. This is the whole reasons why we believe in miracles, don’t we?

This morning, I watched the taped program from last night world’s bigevent; the inauguration for Obama, a first America’s black president in history. And it was WOW! It was like the whole nation and the whole world watching a Jesus incarnation inside a man; even a controversial one. Okay, this is just a metaphor, no offence to Jesus and you guys who believe in Him. But as I put it that way, I do mean it that way. I mean, everyone’s been waiting for him to reign. He’s the representation of a change. His background is not as bright as the other presidents before him. And yet, he comes up as a shining start for the whole nation. It sounds so much like Jesus, doesn’t it? Well, may be not literally like Jesus, since he married Michelle, but his reign is kinda like the born of Jesus. And I can’t help my self not to say that it was like a miracle comes true.

Speaking about Obama, I remember a friend who looks a little bit like Obama. He and I used to love walking a lot. Well, until now I still enjoy walking in the morning or at night before I sleep (but FYI, I’m not a sleep walker). Before he came, I used to walk alone coz it’s the best way to be with my self, and I mean my self alone. But since he came, he made me realize that I often walk too fast. I didn’t give my self a chance to take notice at my close surroundings. I passed a place for hundred times but I couldn’t really tell how that place really looks. I walked to fast that I often failed to see things that happened before things that I’m seeing right now. Sometimes I even find my self saying, “These things come out of nowhere,” or, “this mess must be popped up out of thin air.” And it’s all because I failed to trace back the reason behind the trouble I’ve put my self into. Stupid, I know. And that was me.

It’s hard, isn’t it; to separate ourselves from foolish things which we wish to be there. We can’t help ourselves not to believe in miracles coz it’s hard not to take side. We always take side on things which we think will do us good. We will never be able to leave ourselves naked; unprotected. We always do whatever it takes to shield-up ourselves from hurt, failure, and the most fatal one; loosing faith. Has it ever crossed to your mind that may be we never really are the real believers. We only believe in everything that does us good. And may be, it happens that we believe in God just because we wish Him to do us good through His miracles.

Life is a real stuff. And everything about life gotta be in touch with reality. Everything happens for a reason, standing on the ground of good reasons, and working on a right time, right place, right person, and right purpose. Miracles are a part of it, I suppose.

I refuse to relate miracle with anything magical. And it’s not because I’m avoiding my self from availing of God’s great mercy on human. I know He knows better how to discern the heart of human, and I don’t want to interrupt Him with His own style on running His business. I think I just have to learn to walk in a slower pace to make me able to notice what had happened before today’s storm comes knocking at my door. Miracles are a solution that happens on a right time, occurs at right place, and right at the right person. It’s nothing magical at all, coz God never promised us a magic wand instead of hardworking. To taste the bitter-sweet sensation of this life could probably be the greatest miracle that ever happened to all of us. And to notice miracle, is an art of knowing how God precisely knows what’s best on us. And to master that art, we have to learn to get closer and look at our surrounding better. Count your every blessing instead of yearning for a magic to happen. (And yes, of course, I said that not to everyone else but my self).

Miracle is not a magic that pulls you up out of your rock bottom miseries. Miracle is not a dream that you insist to believe because you have no other option to hold on to. It’s a solution that happens in a right time, right place, and right on the right person; a weird arrangement that God made from series of events and decisions that you took previously.

And that’s just how I define miracles.

How about you?

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